
Keynote Speech dari Direktur Kepatuhan & SDM Bank Mandiri

Some people like to say “everything happens for a reason.” But I think that’s bullshit. Was there a reason the love of my life died in a car crash at 23? I didn’t think so. I told you. Bullshit.

Talkshow Inspiratif bersama bintang tamu

After dinner, we’d watch TV, or play video games, or read our books. Always in the same room. Sometimes we wouldn’t do anything, just sit and talk for hours. Eric was always great to talk to.

Fun Game

After dinner, we’d watch TV, or play video games, or read our books. Always in the same room. Sometimes we wouldn’t do anything, just sit and talk for hours. Eric was always great to talk to.

Fun Games, Booth & Entertainment

After dinner, we’d watch TV, or play video games, or read our books. Always in the same room. Sometimes we wouldn’t do anything, just sit and talk for hours. Eric was always great to talk to.

Book Fair

After dinner, we’d watch TV, or play video games, or read our books. Always in the same room. Sometimes we wouldn’t do anything, just sit and talk for hours. Eric was always great to talk to.

Free Snack and Drink untuk 1000 peserta pertama

Dapatkan e-money & merchandise menarik

Jangan lupa membawa ID Card Pegawai untuk verifikasi
& tumbler untuk refill minumanmu

Dapatkan hadiah ratusan saldo E-Money dan Merchandise menarik


Rabu, 22 Januari 2025

Pkl 12:00 - 17:00 WIB

Plaza Mandiri

Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 36-38
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12190



Cek Point

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